
Nebraska Grassroots Progressives is a Volunteer-led Grassroots Progressive movement, which focuses on ensuring the enactment of a bold, sensible progressive agenda across Nebraska. A group of us came together in 2016, right after the Nebraska Caucus to ensure Nebraska’s political landscape became more progressive. Members of Nebraska Grassroots Progressives, leaders in the state’s broader progressive community, lead efforts to elect Progressives to seats in the state and county Democratic Parties. Our efforts in 2016 put 2/3 of the Douglas County Democrats’ Central Community in Progressive hands, at the state level, 55% of the state party came under Progressive control.

What is a Grassroots Progressive? We are Citizens, We are Rebels, We are Reformers, We are Change Agents. We are Activists, Voters and Members of a movement who all work to improve the quality of life for the 99%, while ensuring marginalized communities are not left behind. We stand against #Corruption and #NeoLiberalism. Some of our bigger issues span local, state and national politics which include: #MedicareForALL, #GreenNewDeal, #LivingWage, #TaxTheRich, #BanPlasticBags, #LegalizeCannabis #ProtectTenantRights and #HelpTheHomeless.

Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook Page: Nebraska Grassroots Progressives
Twitter: NGProgressives
Instagram: Nebraska Grassroots Progressives
Facebook Group: Nebraska Grassroots Progressives Discussion





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